Day full of gratefulness

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The last few weeks have been such a challenge for me. Between illness and the lack of sunshine, my spirits were truly at the bottom of the barrel. This morning I got up and drove over to my mother-in-law’s house to pick her up for church. The fog was thick most of the way there. Great. Another sunless day.

It’s a quiet drive on the turnpike to her house, and as I drove I prayed. I prayed to God to let the sun shine today. I prayed for a friend who is sick in the hospital, and another on hospice. And at the end of my prayer I asked God to say hello to my Joe and my parents. By the time I was done, the tears were falling freely down my face, and I reminded Him how desperately I miss my husband. Twenty miles in and the sun started peeking through the clouds. More tears but this time they were happy ones.

Church was wonderful, the worship music had me crying again as I sang. And as we stepped outside after the service, all of the clouds were gone and there was nothing but blue skies and sunshine.

Prayers answered!

A favorite from one of our favorite bands

Joe’s mom and I had a wonderful lunch, and when I got home the dogs and I spent the rest of the day outside. I cleaned up the outdoor bar, put the sump pump in what is now technically a small pond near my driveway trying to get it to drain, watched the Chiefs win the AFC Championship (on mute because I had our music playing all day), and even repaired one of the cabinet doors on the bar that had broken. It’s amazing what a little bit of sunshine and some hard work will do for a person’s attitude.

That sun was such a beautiful sight this afternoon

Tonight the girls and I are going to snuggle on the couch and I’m going to watch a movie. Ready to tackle a new week. Even when I’m at my lowest God manages to reveal himself to me in beautiful ways, reminding me that anything is possible and He hears my prayers.

3 responses to “Day full of gratefulness”

  1. Sandy Mahaffey Avatar
    Sandy Mahaffey

    Praising HIM along with you for the gifts he bestows on us as we need them. You are a blessing to me with your thoughts on your journey. May your heart be full of sunshine this week💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen! And thank you so much Sandy!



    Praise God for His mercy and Grace!!! ♥️♥️♥️ You are so loved!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I’m Kelly. Widowed at 59, this is the real and raw story of losing my husband, and my new reality. My beautiful husband Joe passed away in September 2023 from complications after cardiac arrest. We were married for almost 22 years. I’m a mom to an amazing son, and I have been an executive assistant for over 40 years. I live just outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma with our 2 rescue dogs Hope & Grace.