Category: Grief

  • Cry me a river

    Cry me a river

    Spring has arrived. And with it all the trees are in bloom, gardens are being prepped for planting, longer days are finally here. With the change in season, I find myself crying uncontrollably more often than not. And I had just mentioned in a previous post that I seemed to be smiling more than crying.…

  • Sending me angels

    Sending me angels

    I spent my morning hanging out at home, doing nothing in particular. I had plans later with our friends Jeff & Lisa for an afternoon of Scrabble. As I was getting ready, an overwhelming sense of grief came over me and my tears would not stop. I knew I needed to move, to get out…

  • Digging for diamonds

    Digging for diamonds

    Do you ever find yourself looking for the bright spots in each day? Right after my husband passed away, I was hard-pressed to find any glimmers of light. A few months in and I started looking for them. I like to call this “digging for diamonds”. Looking everywhere for even the tiniest thing that made…

  • All we ever needed

    All we ever needed

    I was looking through some old pictures the other night and came across this one. Joe with his incredible head of hair and both of us with smiles that could have lit up the universe. We were just starting our life together. Second marriage for both of us, we were so ready for this amazing…

  • Babe


    My dear friend Jennifer came over on Monday. She brought us dinner, and we talked for hours about love and life, grief and survival. She understands exactly where I am because she walked this very path eight years ago after losing her husband Roger. Roger & Joe’s circumstances surrounding their deaths were very similar. She…

  • Love you anyway

    Love you anyway

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the last 25 years of my life with Joe. So many wonderful memories, and some not so great ones too. We certainly didn’t have the perfect marriage, but we were perfect together. We were the epitome of peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, peas and carrots. Joe was…

  • Lonely are the free

    Do you know the difference between being alone and being lonely? If you are grieving the loss of your significant other I can guarantee you do. Life changes so drastically when the person you spend all of your time with, the person you wake up to and fall asleep with, the person you loved with…

  • Say my name

    Say my name

    Have you noticed there are certain people in your life who seem to tense up when you mention the person you lost? Their eyes avert to some object across the room, or they awkwardly smile and change the subject immediately. Some will laugh nervously, others will just give you this blank stare as if to…

  • I try

    I try

    It’s my 60th birthday today. It’s been a weird day. I woke up torn between two worlds. Part of me wanted to get up, to thank God for waking me up, and to seize the day. The other part of me wanted to pull the covers over my head and stay there. Why? Because Joe.…

  • Dear God . . .

    Dear God . . .

    Do you struggle with your faith? I feel like my faith is as strong as it’s ever been. I have no doubts about my salvation, no doubt that Joe and my parents are in heaven, and we will be reunited again someday. God’s unfailing love is a comfort to me. But my emotions, my feelings…

  • There you’ll be

    There you’ll be

    Have you given any thought to your final arrangements? My Joe chose cremation. So many of us choose this method rather than being buried. I’ve have never wanted to be put in a cemetery where my son would feel obligated to visit and place flowers on my grave. I want to be cremated when my…

  • Dear everyone

    Dear everyone

    It was suggested in my grief group that I write a grief letter to friends and family so everyone knows exactly where I am. Honestly, it sounded a little narcissistic. But then I thought about my friends who have walked this path. It would have been useful to know how they were and what I…

  • Skipping February

    Skipping February

    Valentine’s Day is coming up and so is my 60th birthday. Joe always made surf & turf for our Valentine’s Day dinner. Steak for him and lobster for me. He found the best cards and would pick the prettiest bunch of flowers at our local grocery. My birthday was no different. Every year he found…

  • Further away

    The more time there is between us, the further away you are. Why is this getting harder? Time does not heal all wounds.

  • Take this job & shove it

    Take this job & shove it

    Did you make honey-do lists for your significant other? I tried but wasn’t very successful at getting my husband to actually want to work off a list. Life threw us many curveballs over the years, cancer being the biggest one. Once the dust settled and Joe was done with all of his treatments, he was…